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A Sportsmans Paradise Since 1947

HomeRange Safety
Range Safety

Eye and Ear Protection Are Required

Per the Hale Mountain Fish & Game Club Procedure Manual, Article 21, Section 1, Rule VI, eye and ear protection are required.

This applies to all shooters AND SPECTATORS.

Anyone observed violating this rule will be subject to a verbal warning OR A CLUB SUSPENSION.

Thank You,

The Board of Directors

Range Safety Rules

  1. Alcoholic beverages and drugs are prohibited.
  2. Anyone wanting to go downrange shall notify others on the range. Everyone on the firing line will signify that their firearm is in a safe position.
  3. Proper behavior on or near the firing range is required.
  4. Eye and ear protection is required.
  5. There shall be no shooting with the intent to destroy the property of Hale Mountain.
  6. The shooting of glass bottles, tin cans, or any other form of trash is forbidden.
  7. The berms that are between the Trap Range and the Pistol Pit and between the Pistol Range and the Rifle Range are not to be used as backstops.
  8.  No shooting beyond the 100M target while there is Trap shooting in progress.
  9. Approved target stands should be used whenever possible. Design specs can be found in the holder on the side wall in the Pistol Pit.
  10. Range hours for all ranges is 9:00 AM to sunset. Violation of this rule will result is a 5 year suspension from the club.
Remember range safety and cleanliness is everyone's responsibility.